Sunday, March 4, 2012

Underwater drifting

Among,between, above and underneath
The coral reefs we drift along apace,
As briskly we are pushed toward our goal -
The diveboat anchored patiently dowmstream.
No call to check direction as we fly,
The steady current keeps us on our course,
Allowing us to pay no heed to time
Beyond the need to stay within the hour
Upon the lapse of which our dive is done.

No time  to linger where the eye may light -
The luxury to dwell must be denied,
What's briefly glimpsed has soon receded far.
And now a newer scene looms up ahead,
Attention switches to a fish, on fire
With crimson colour, flashing as it turns
And runs along the wall like flame,
Then rises up to vanish overhead
Beyond the arching brow that ends the reef.

And now large rocks of lesser height appear
Someway below in open water, signs
Of safe arrival at our rendezvous.
And, as we finish, one more sight unfolds
Two turtles of enormous girth, asleep
Upon a welcome ledge of ample width,
Scarce other-looking than their ancient kin,
And sheltered in the living stone, which grows
In stature as the lives it nurtures pass.

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