Saturday, December 31, 2011

A Day in the Life

In Houston town, on Rancho Bauer,
There lives a dog with magic power,
Whose winning canine charm and grace
Seduce all those who see her face,
For whom these verses lay a claim
To spread the fame of Darla's name.

As guard, she must invigilate
To keep her home inviolate.
Now doughty Darla's on patrol,
Tip-toeing smartly through the hall,
Not scavenging across the floor,
Head up and checking door by door.
If nothing's found, her duty's done,
And life reverts to having fun.

A nifty shifty through the glass
Before deciding she can pass
Untroubled to the couch and choose
To settle snugly for her snooze.
But snoozing's no priority
Upon the loud sonority
Of cutlery against a plate,
Which signals food, so scarce of late,
And calls her down to seek a treat
By lying low around the feet
Of sundry hungry humans, who
Will sometimes drop a crumb or two.

Now walking on her lengthy lead,
She paces where the peacocks feed,
Discoursing in the fragrant air
Of matters none but birds can share;
Then, backward turning on the road,
Retracing steps to her abode
Where calm presides until the hour
When Darla sleeps in Rancho Bauer.

The Dog that can

Deft Darla's either on the scrounge
Or finding just the spot to lounge

From where to cast her eyes round wide
And judge the moment when to ride

Into a scene where she can time
The perpetration of a crime

With such perfection as will show
How far the Queen of Bad can go.

To go or not to go...

The dog-door in the wall is where
You'll often see cute Darla stare
Whenever she is mystified -
As regularly is the case
When questions flicker on her face -
And wonders if it's justified
To take a turn around the yard
And demonstrate that she's on guard,
If going outdoors would be goofy
When Ginger's indoors with the cookie.


So now we see the lovebirds in their nest,
So tenderly against each other pressed,
So dreamily above the everyday,
So ready to float up and drift away.

But duty calls the wayward to obey
The stern injunctions placed on those who play
The many roles that family requires
Be acted out as history transpires.

And in the ceaseless interplay of role
And self, each mediates and renders whole
What otherwise would dissipate and fade,
And thereby finds how happiness is made.

A Study in Concentration

Above the hob he bends at work,
His face expressing concentration;
The raw food must be firm and fresh,
The quantities all rightly weighed,
The timing to the second right,
The finished dish a wondrous whole
Enticing taste buds to the feast,
While fragrance wafts against the nose;
And as to texture and to taste
He must be sure that he has judged
The garlic for a testy guest.

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve the place to be
for Southern hospitality
is Rancho Bauer six oh five
Where sentiment and laughter thrive
Amidst the glad festivity
Before the Lord's nativity.

The guests are come, the feast is spread,
The body will be amply fed
While, nourished by a different food,
The spirit marvels at the good.

Ardour deferred

Let us lose our lengthy days of ardour
Luxuriating in our languid love -
Or, rather, should we reign in tight the rage
Of rapture bursting to express its force?

The fauns who haunt the forest dark are fierce,
The darts from Cupid's bow are sent to pierce
The coldest heart, and order it to blaze,
As does mine now, to see your ardent gaze.

Darwin's grandeur

The phenomenon of life abounds in wonders,
But yet more wondrous is the origin of life
In all its diverse forms, extant or gone extinct,
Which call for explanation of their provenance.

One titan thinker gathered evidence enough
To justify a plausible account of how
From simple forms proliferations vast can grow.
Like Mendeleyev leaving gaps to be confirmed
Where elements as yet unknown would find their place,
So Darwin necessarily could not supply
The clinching evidence, the proof of fossil finds -
So large an undertaking needed breadth of mind
To fashion bridges strong enough to carry freight
Whose value in the world of science topped all else
In winning over skeptics to the pregnant theme
Of natural selection in an endless flow -
A concept so profound that Darwin could reveal
The well of life, the fount of its unending birth.

How grand of Darwin, and how grand what he had found -
A way for Earth to populate her seas, her lands, her air,
While yet the rock of ages suffers its decay
To form new soil from which descendants, in their turn,
Will come to life, and flourish and again mutate
In endless repetition as each change takes place.

Such is the grandeur of a vision angled wide,
Whose coming lot is fated as the stars portend,
For after eons in which life holds fast
The very cosmos must endure its end,
Or life itself take charge and mold what will endure.

Falling Short

Was it an accident, or did you mean
To cause confusion with one carefree glance?
You opened up a place till then unseen
And underscored the vagaries of chance.

But how dare I tend to your tender heart
When to myself I am my own worse nurse?
Your welfare cannot prosper from my part
Unless you undertake to crush the curse

That, rudderless among the reefs and shoals,
I fail my proper bearing to preserve
And come to grief, as do all hasty souls
Who trust unduly and neglect reserve.

I wait reply from where my hope is fed,
For now, in essence, there is no instead.

Out of Reach

As sole purloiner of my sense of self,
You show scant interest in your precious spoils,
Instead behaving like a woodland elf
Who in a twinkling slips the serpent's coils.

Suspicion centers not on you, as thief,
But on my own naivety of thought;
In matters touching feeling and belief
Recourse to wishful thinking counts as naught.

And so I have arrived where I must be,
With clarity I see you in the end
And recognize how true you are to me -
Not criminal, but merely too kind friend.

There is no shield that can withstand the darts
Which rain from Cupid's bow to capture hearts.

Christmas in Houston

Christmas in the state of Texas,
Christmas in the family nexus,
Gathered, partly overseas
Reached by flying through the breeze.

After work has been suspended,
After miles have been transcended,
Come the families to the feast,
From the North and from the East.

Closer are the friendships braided,
Rich the compliments now traded,
Dear the memories that have passed
Through the sentiments that last

Talk and toasting passes round,
New acquaintances are found
In midwinter hunkered here
Full of joy and Christmas cheer.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Peacocks at Christmas

Peacocks in the yards, peacocks on the walls
Resplendent in their plumage on the roofs
Of houses under lofty trees amongst
A spread of rambling gardens underneath
The blue-less sky of wintry Houston town.

Now strutting proudly on a lawn of green,
Now flitting briefly to a perch to preen,
And then descending with a flap and glide
Alighting, safely distant, to one side,
The peacocks flaunt their avian finery
And lend their color to a neighborhood
Which after dark will blaze with Christmas lights.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Holding Hands

I feel the volume of your hand,
Its weight, both witness to the band
That binds emotion heart to heart
Which once had been spaced far apart,
But now in consort each aspire
To draw the nearer to love's fire.

Body & Soul

Should life miss the essence which defines it's state -
From lack of love, from scarcity of trust -
All efforts must be bent to counter fate:
The will asserts the apt response - adjust!

When underway, a boat obeys the chart
So not to falter, strike and run aground:
On it's own journey, each and every heart
Seeks solace and commitment where it's found.

No soul will languish long in darkness wrapped
If courage be the arbiter, and join
With faith to find, through dedication apt,
That valued state - two metals
  yet one coin.
Weigh anchor, set sail with the rising sun -
The wind is fair, safe passage will be won! 

The Poet reads "Body & Soul"

Sailing the Past

The sunbeams sparkling on the morning sea
awake the eye to beauty and the heart
to joy. Enticing sea miles stretch ahead
connecting shorefalls to define a theme.
What wonders in the Earth abound, what marvels,
waiting to receive their due of reverence
and awe, will be revealed in one brief span
of time within a space where memory resounds!
From land to land the cruise ship picks its way
and makes its calls, and at each stop
the past is other in a different guise
while yet still fitting somehow with the rest
to make a finished whole of disparate parts.
Like butterflies which flit from flower to flower
to suck up substances for vital power,
the tourists headily imbibe what's gone
and through their presence mediate the past
by transfer of the meme from mind to mind.

The Three-fold Way

Being in love is being free
to do what, otherwise, we'd see
amounts to purest fatasy,
if not to loss of sanity.
But marriage, on the other hand,
makes up a very different strand,
in which commitment to withstand
all odds becomes the sole command.
And weddings are a joyful gate
through which the wedded blithely skate
to meet the future in a state
where each is lover to their mate.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


The time has come to set aside the past
When days were counted out in hours of toil - 
Instead, each precious moment now will last
A lifetime when no serpent casts a coil,
And sweet retirement beckons with a smile
To destinations where haste halts awhile.
From here on in, the world will change its hue
For once being captured from this point of view

Proof of Love II

Reticence in commitment, caution in
matters of the heart, each is your preserve.
But how can I some other way begin
to raise your trust and lessen your reserve?
I would take courage and gain heart enough
were you to recognize how I am skilled
in piloting our boat through storm and surf
to reach a haven where all doubt is stilled.
through languid days upon a tropic beach,
body at rest,the mind will turn to schemes
while swaying palms benignly view how each
with each in turn will harmonize their dreams.
If you crave evidence to prove my love,
eternity alone is time enough!

Proof of Love

You tell me that I love you with your smile
Although, to you, there's no such tale to tell.
What would I give to let you know the while
that I have spent, enamoured, in your spell!
With magic and with mystery on call, 
you bring to mind the music of the spheres
of heaven's realm, where arcane marvels all
conspire to govern more than what appears.
The harmonies your tresses wake in me
when breezes blow bring gladness out of time,
and I could wish you were disposed to see
the way in which we with each other chime.
Should you, with grace unearned, accept my love,
earth's globe, as bell, would not exult enough.

Assets in the Game of Love

With longer legs a girl of shorter height
could further go than otherwise she might.
But, then again, the long and short of it
is that the way to overcome a bit
of lousy luck is not to sulk and moan,
but pluck up courage from the truth well known
that gals whose only asset's in their sashay
lose out to those whose charm is much more classy.