Thursday, July 28, 2016

SUMMER GORING  (The Last Poem)

Shall I compare thee to the summer Goring?
Well no - because thou art beyond compare!
So draw the curtains back, have done with snoring,
Let's venture out into the sun-filled air.

What shall we find when wandering Goring's lanes?
The simple joys the season brings alive!
When every step is met with new-found gains
Of beauty, while aloft the red kites strive
To spread their wings and look with steady gaze
As humans with indifference shake their thirst
In bankside pubs where all are in amaze
At how teams row up fast to come in first.

Long many these ancient rituals survive
To grace the peaceful life that men contrive

Dear Readers and Gordon's friends and fans,
This is the last Poem that will ever be posted here. His Muse has been
silenced forever as Gordon passed away yesterday, on July 27, 2016.
We found "Summer Goring" as a last entry in his spiral bound notebook
he wrote his verses in as the inspiration struck.
It is so hard to believe there will be no more poems from Gordon....

The Family

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Birthday wishes July 10, 2016

Just as of old the custom's been,
So now we celebrate the day
When Amy came to grace our life
And add a sparkle with her smile -
Enjoy your Birthday, Amy Dear,
May all your projects prosper,
And when the year has run its course
Look back in joy with wonder.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

First vote after citizenship July 4, 2016

A charming young lady from Ridgewood
Asserted her newly-won statehood.
She cast her first vote
To guide the State's boat
And struck a bold blow against falsehood.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Autumn of former days Autumn 2012 - revised June 2016

What time we have to spend together now
Calls us to fond remembrance of our past,
Of golden days beneath a fostering sun
In southern splendour or north's milder clime,
Of languid nights under a silver moon,
High in a sky wiped clear by evening rain
When breezes swept your hair and woke desire
In former days of youth's exuberance,
Turning our gaze from heaven to rapt eyes
Where depths of passion welled in mutual trust
And joined two hearts as one in love's embrace.

Farewell, Dear Father of our hearts June 29, 2016

Farewell, Dear Daddy! Since the day you passed
There is a space feels empty which was full,
A space which love called home and nestled there,
A place of refuge serving each as balm,
Created by your portion in our birth,
Against the blows which fate unkindly brings
With trials that fortune sends without  remorse.
No matter where our winding paths may trend
You will be there, companion to the end,
Your voice shall sound forever in fond hearts
Which owe their presence here, in part, to you.

A cherished life has passed away June 29, 2016

Dear Heart, untimely called on cruel grounds -
How to accept  your voice no longer sounds?
If life meet with  its end before it should
Let it be remembered for its good.
Given a peerless heart has now been stilled,
Let those who knew it inmost ways be filled
With gratitude to have been in its sphere
And fortitude to prosper year by year
Amidst remembrances of former days
Which never shall depart the inner gaze.