Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Platelets in the stream

The body's health requires them to be there,
But in their count blood platelets can be rare,
In ceaseless flow these flakes should circulate
To keep the vital spark inviolate.

Such is the furtherance of nature's way,
And shall be so forever and a day.
The course of life is fated to its end -
Then celebrate each moment that we spend.

Dedication of a book of verse

The words here spun, the verses done
Will foster fun beneath the Sun
As long as they are felt to weigh
Sufficiently to charm the day.
Whatever merit be their due,
They are addressed with love to you.

Happy reading!


Forever is the longest time we know,
Forever further than where we can go.
Forever passes any bound that's set,
Forever focussed on the way ahead.
Forever is the time we cannot live -
Forever be the time in which we give.