Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year 2014 (19/12/13)

The years are interchanging once again.
The one that had been new is reckoned old,
And as it ends another year begins
Whose youthful bloom will fade to see it age.

This is the cycle humans have devised
From nature's rhythms matched to their own needs
So as to mark the passage of brief lives
And lend a calming order to a stream
In which event would follow on event
Without a structure to direct affairs.

So thus we profit from inventive skills
And set about achievement of our goals,
Though yet we need the advent of good luck,
And wish good fortune still upon ourselves.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013 (19/12/13)

Twelve months have run their course to Christmas day
When now at Rancho Bauer the company
Are gathered to enjoy and celebrate
Familial affections that dictate
How, in the hustle of our modern life,
We recognise the profit we derive
From ties inherited and bonds avowed
By whose kind agency we are endowed
With love, which in its ministry of care
Maintains the fabric of the life we share.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The long day closes (20-23/12/13)

Each day that starts as Sol asserts his grip,
Warming the Earth and all that lives below
As he ascends to culminate then dip,
Will end in darkness when he leaves down low.

Live, love and cherish well those precious lives
Which rank above the tenure of your own -
That is the spirit's urge, which takes and gives
To reach in sum beyond itself alone.

So in the course of mounting up the years,
And taking stock of what of note has passed,
We find as reconciliation nears
A balance looms wherever eye is cast.

As mind advances through its consciousness
The soul approaches what it must address.


Monday, December 23, 2013

Scrabble King (23 Dec 2013)

A master of the game appears
To claim his rank of just esteem.
Behind are gone the prentice years.
Ahead, instead, a waking dream
Takes shape - a vision of renown
Acquired by practice of high art
Deployed to gain the golden crown
So prized by all who play their  part.

We relish at the Scrabble board
A former tyro who has scored,
By dint of skill, where few have soared,
Proving himself a timely lord.  

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

This be the way (17 Dec 2013)

Under the aspect of eternity
An age of any length must surely end.
We seek to banish our timidity,
To gather fortitude enough to fend.

So any end must constitute but one
Of many long surpassed upon our way,
That winding path we dread to tread alone,
Being conscious that we never can gainsay

That troubles of such sort we must surmount
As will put all our courage to the test
To pass through dangers of whatever count
By first adopting of all ways the best.

I pray you opt to spend an age with me
To venture forward, where no eye can see.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Companion faithful (Dec 14, 2013)

A silent ghostly presence haunts the house,
Inhabits each and every room by turns.
Wherever human footprints leave their trace
The quadrupedal  pawmarks follow up
While Darla keeps her vigil right on track
As soundless shadow constantly on guard

Getting together (8 Dec 2013)

How does a young man undertake his quest
To find a love to cherish for a life -
By travelling the world in fervid zest,
Observing how the others take a wife.

The modern girl of finest taste must take
 Good care in optimising what is sought,
By keeping all her senses wide awake
And spying what's in orbit to be caught.

And what attraction may there  then ensue
Of strength enough that friendship will be sure -
Why, that amalgam of affection true
Which sometime, often, ever will endure.

Yet what's to really know and savour is
How fateful outcomes issue from a kiss.