Saturday, July 14, 2012

On our way

In childhood's rapt embrace our days were timed
To find the elements with which we chimed,
To come to know how others than ourselves
May view the selfsame things as if the elves
Had told them deep within the wiser wood
That what we may think harmful can be good.

These were full days of happiness and joy
With dear companions round the growing boy,
The stage was decked with vibrant sets to show
How youthful energy and hearts aglow
Would find and nurture talent into flower
And demonstrate the promise of its power.

Though much is only memory and - yes! -
A dim remembrance of how more gave less,
Yet in the noble effort of the strife
We found a meaning and a worth to life
Which in the purview of its many ways
 Revealed how some may act while others gaze.

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