Monday, February 16, 2015

Looming for pleasure

Loom - a pass time kit for kids and adults to fashion ornaments from flexible plastic rings

To loom or not to loom - is there a question?
What child would not have time to build a fat
And cuddly hippo or a hanging bat,
Or any other thing, upon suggestion?

First give the loomers all that they will need -
Materials and hook and tablet, too -
Then watch how they enthuse and buckle to,
Producing on their frames a plastic tweed.

The crafty kit is good for having fun
By making what's desired from colored rings
Which finish up transformed to other things,
And signify the looming has been done.

Lines prompted by a Greenpeace postcard, picturing a mother polar bear with her two cubs

Three bears appear at once,
Challenge and censure the dunce
And show what we shall lose
Unless we stop and choose
To counter those whose goal
Neglects the dreadful toll
That greed, when uncontrolled,
Exacts, with grief untold.
Give, then, the Earth our care,
And hasten its repair,
So life unique remains
To justify our pains,
And recognize anew
The cosmos has its due.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

As a dedication

These lines are made to bring delight,
To please the day and charm the night.
Whatever mood you may be in,
You need but look to find its kin.


The other day I came across a book
Which had been one you thrilled to as you read,
And once again I saw that happy look
Steal soft across your face as you were led
Into a different world of others' deeds,
Imaginings, events now fast now slow.

How many ways the soul confronts its needs -
How hard it is, so hard, to let you go.

Ruby red for forty wed

Time does not halt, though heart be stopped by heart,
But measures out its pace eternally.
The years advance and leave behind their trace,
Experiences multiply, now sweet,
Now sad, now kept in mind, now quite forgot.
And of these years a pregnant one is caught
Within the clasp of memory's embrace -
That year from which succeeding ones are told
Of which the fortieth has now arrived
To mark the anniversary of when
Two young enamoured pledged to pass their days
Together in the state that love decreed.