Monday, November 12, 2012

African night

Come -  as with your fall the day before -
Night, through which the hunted may endure;
Cause a swift extinction of the light,
Spreading, as you thicken, fear and fright
Over Africa, on whose broad plain
Strength is master and the weak are slain.

Herbivores that feed upon the veldt
Shudder as each threatening roar is felt.
Predators from every side deploy
Senses that their prey do not enjoy -
Piercing vision in the velvet black,
Peerless hearing tuned to swift attack,
Readiness to wield a lethal nose,
Given wind that favors when it blows.

Straining to detect what lurks around,
Anxious ears pick up the slightest sound,
Nothing, though, that of itself makes clear
Whether danger is remote or near.
Lack of clarity concerning place
Lends supremacy to those who chase.

Lift again your cloak of darkness, Night -
Grant the hunted leave to take to flight!

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