Sunday, October 19, 2014

Birthday party

Somewhere there's a girl who's called Ellie
That's partial to stuffing her belly
With all sorts of food
Which does her such good
She's practically grown-up already!
But wait - that's not so,
She's six, don't you know,
And off to her party to prove it.
Give Ellie her hat and her mittens,
Get someone to care for her kittens -
Then, after the dash,
Fun starts at the bash
And Ellie shows how she can move it.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The seasons

Now when the lesser power of the Sun
In autumn marks the end of summer's reign,
Rebellious colours flood into the leaves
Where stately green once ruled  with sovereign sway.
But this is not revolt for its own sake,
Instead the kind imperative of life,
Whose wisdom seeks to counter winter's storms
And bitter clime by transformation bold
Sufficient to survive with fortitude
Enough to bud again when spring arrives.

The arc of life

The frame that lends life strength must fall apart,
There is no lasting refuge for the heart,
Which, as a player on the stage, gives all
Then bows to let the final curtain fall,
And leaves behind affection's tender trace
In those who were its fellows in life's race.

Name day anniversary

A second time your name day has arrived
Since when your presence vanished from my side
To show love needs an unknown time to pass
Before it can accept the fact of loss.

Each living breath you took went unremarked,
The last, as it expired, went through my heart
But gave me solace, showing that your soul
Had taken flight to find its final goal.